About the Journal

e-ISSN: 1989-8991 ISSN: 1134-6035 DOI: 10.24965/gapp NIPO: 231-24-002-X
Title proper: Gestión y análisis de políticas públicas
Abbreviated key-title: Gest. anál. polít. públicas (Internet)
Other variant title: GAPP
Original alphabet of title: Extended roman
Subject: UDC : 35
Subject: Public administration. Government. Military affairs
Corporate contributor: Instituto Nacional de Administración Pública (España)
Publisher: Madrid: Instituto Nacional de Administración Pública
Dates of publication: 1994-
Frequency: Cuatrimestral
Dates of publication: March, July, November
Tipo de recurso: Periodical
Language: Spanish, Castilian
Country: Spain
Medium: Online


The journal Gestión y Análisis de Políticas Públicas (GAPP) aims to promote scientific analysis on management, public administration, governance and state reform. GAPP provides theoretical and substantive knowledge on the challenges and current trends in public administration and public policy. GAPP also disseminates best practices in public administration that inform academics and public sector professionals. The journal has a particular focus on the Spanish, European and Latin American spheres.

For this purpose, Gestión y Análisis de Políticas Públicas publishes both academic papers and contributions from public administration professionals that serve to improve those public policies. Gestión y Análisis de Políticas Públicas accepts for review and possible publication scientific studies, experiences and research cases, as well as book reviews.

As of January 2021, Gestión y Análisis de Políticas Públicas publishes three issues per year, dated March 1, July 1 and November 1, respectively, one of them monographic, all edited only in digital format. Gestión y Análisis de Políticas Públicas uses the online first model. Approved articles are placed online pending final publication in the corresponding issue.

Texts submitted to Gestión y Análisis de Políticas Públicas must be originals in Spanish or English. Texts must not have been published previously and must follow the guidelines accepted by the scientific community because this is the only mechanism that guarantees the indexing of the journal and its quality.

Articles received are subject to a rigorous double-blind peer review process.

Gestión y Análisis de Políticas Públicas believes in the free dissemination of scientific knowledge and, therefore, follows open access policies over its content.

Gestión y Análisis de Políticas Públicas is edited by the Instituto Nacional de Administración Pública, under the authority of Ministerio de Política Territorial y Función Pública, and is financed exclusively from the budget of the publishing organization.

Editorial activity statistics since 01-01-2021

Submissions Received 45
Submissions Accepted 21
Submissions Declined 17
Acceptance Rate 53%
Rejection Rate 47%
Desk Reject Rate 39%
After Review Reject Rate 8%


Gestión y Análisis de Políticas Públicas is indexed in the following evaluation systems, directories, summaries and citations databases:

  • FECYT. Calidad de Revistas Científicas Españolas 2019

Evaluation systems, impact factor and citation indexes: REDALYC, MIAR, Latindex, ÍnDICEs CSIC, CARHUS Plus (CARHUS+), ERIHPLUS, CIRC, RESH, DICE, Scientific Journal Impact Factor (SJIF), Actualidad Iberoamericana.

Academic search engines: Google Scholar, Academic Search Premier (EBSCO), Dimensions

Specialized databases: VLex, Social Science Premium Collection (PROQUEST), Open Science Directory (EBSCO), Zeitschriften Datenbank (ZDB).

Multidisciplinary databases: Fuente Academica Plus (EBSCO), ProQuest Central, ProQuest Central Essentials, ProQuest Central Student.

Database summaries and journal systems: DIALNET, REDIB, JournalsTOCS.

Journal directories and portals: DOAJ (Directory of Open Journal System), Journals For Free, CAPES Portal de Periódicos (CAPES/MEC).

Academic social media and reference managers: ACADEMIA.edu, Mendeley.

Publisher copyright policies & self-archiving: Dulcinea, SHERPA/RoMEO.

Library catalogues: OCLC WorldCAT, COPAC.

Commitment to publish

Documentación Administrativa undertakes to publish the papers approved in the peer review process within a maximum of 4 months from the date of the original submission.

Open access and copyright policy/a

This journal provide immediate free and open access to his content in compliance with INAP’s  aim “to promote research, reflection and debate, as well as to generate and disseminate open knowledge on public Administration and public value”.

This journal also adhere to the Open Access (OA) journal movement and submit their entire contents to various national and international indexes, repositories and databases under this protocol. Therefore, the submission of a paper for publication in this journal presupposes the explicit acceptance by the author of this method of distribution.

Assignment of rights and Creative Commons licence

 Licencia de Creative Commons

Authors who publish in this journal will retain their copyright, but will grant it the right of first publication of their work, which will simultaneously be subject to the Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0) licence, which allows third parties to share the content and to remix, adapt and create from it in any medium or format provided that the original creator is cited and only for non-commercial purposes.

Without prejudice to the assignment made, the author maintains the right to self-archive the author's final version after peer review or the editor's final version in any of its formats in open access institutional repositories and self-archiving platforms, and will always provide the link to the document published by the National Institute of Public Administration on its platform.

Funding and publication charges (APCs)

Gestión y Análisis de Políticas Públicas is financed exclusively by the Instituto Nacional de Administración Pública, dependent on the Ministerio de Hacienda y Función Pública of the Spain Government.

Gestión y Análisis de Políticas Públicas does not charge the authors any charges for publication (APCs) or for any other concept.

Anti-Plagiarism Policy

Authors are responsible for guaranteeing that the information contained in their work is original and has not been copied, invented, distorted or manipulated, as well as the consensus in the case of shared authorship.  Plagiarism in any form is considered unethical and will be grounds for initial rejection or immediate withdrawal of those published texts in which it is detected.

Texts received by the journal Gestión y Análisis de Políticas Públicas may be subjected to a similarity check using the Turnitin application in order to guarantee their originality.

Rejection on the grounds of originality will be communicated to the authors together with the Turnitin report. There is no maximum percentage of similarity, the editors will decide on possible rejections in the light of the analysis of the report.

Only those papers that are finally published will be deposited in the Turnitin database to allow other editors to analyse the originality of their texts under evaluation. Submission of an article to the journal implies acceptance of the deposit when it is published.

Preservation and Archiving Policy


PKP Preservation Network (PN). This journal uses the PKP Preservation Network (PKP PN) to digitally preserve the numbers published since the first issue of the new era. Each new published number is automatically transferred, being archived once it is validated. The numbers of the historical collection are also being incorporated, as they can be revised. PKP offers perpetual access without interruptions and preservation of the authentic original version of the content.

LOCKSS & CLOCKSS. The journal also uses OJS support for LOCKSS (Lots of Copies Keep Stuff Safe) and CLOCKSS (Controlled Lots of Copies Keep Stuff Safe), developed by the Stanford University Library, to license storage and distribution of the journal in partner libraries (https://revistasonline.inap.es/index.php/GAPP/gateway/lockss) (https://revistasonline.inap.es/index.php/GAPP/gateway/clockss).

The Instituto Nacional de Administración Pública, an agency under the authority of the Ministerio de Política Territorial y Función Pública, is the depository and maintains the archive of the Journal Gestión y Análisis de Políticas Públicas, and preserves the archives in accordance with the current legislation for the preservation of information in the field of Spanish Public Administration, in accordance with Article 21 (Application of Information and Communication Technologies in the management and processing of documents, "Aplicación de las tecnologías de la información y comunicaciones en la gestión y tratamiento de los documentos"), of Real Decreto 1708/2011, de 18 de noviembre, por el que se establece el Sistema Español de Archivos y se regula el Sistema de Archivos de la Administración General del Estado y de sus Organismos Públicos y su régimen de acceso. Section C under Article 21 states that the Ministerial Departments and their related or dependent agencies will provide the application of the basic principles and minimum requirements required for appropriate protection of information in order to ensure access, integrity, availability, authenticity, confidentiality, traceability and preservation of the data, information and services used in electronic media that they manage in the exercise of their competences.


Regarding self-archiving policies, Gestión y Análisis de Políticas Públicas allows that the author can archive post-print (i.e. final draft post-refereeing) or publisher's version/PDF. Consequently, Gestión y Análisis de Políticas Públicas is a RoMEO blue journal.


File formats

Gestión y Análisis de Políticas Públicas is now published in electronic form - from issue no. 3 of the new era. For broader dissemination of content and wide compatibility with reading devices, it is currently distributed in the following formats:


The Portable Document Format (PDF) is a file format used to present and exchange documents reliably, regardless of software, hardware or operating system. Developed by Adobe, nowadays PDF is an open and official standard recognized by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). It is considered the main file format of the journal and in which the relevance and concordance of the content with the author's final version must be observed, in case of textual conflict with other available formats (HTML, EPUB, XML-JATS). All the contents (articles and the list of authors) and the complete number can be consulted in PDF. The PDFs of the INAP journals have maintained and continued the original structure of the old printed version.


HTML is the acronym for Hyper-Text Markup Language, which is the basis of web content and application development. It is a standard developed by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) that facilitates the development of web pages that are compatible with different browsers and platforms. The articles of INAP journals published in HTML maintain the structure and style of the PDF version of which they are an alternative format. The HTML format is designed for online viewing from the OJS platform, without the need to download additional files.


EPUB (acronym for Electronic publication) is a document format for downloading and offline viewing on e-reader devices. Its main advantage is the liquid format that can be adapted to any reading device (regardless of screen sizes and fonts). The EPUB files published by INAP magazines (EPUB 2.0), are valid and conform to the standards defined by the International Digital Publishing Forum (IDPF), which guarantees their reproduction in devices conforming to this specification.


The JATS standard (Journal Article Tag Suite) is an XML document definition scheme, promoted by the National Information Standards Organization (NISO), to describe structure, semantics and metadata related to graphic and text content of journal articles. It is an open standard widely used by academic publishers, open access projects of scientific journals, libraries and archives around the world. It can be used as a standardized option for managing scientific journal publication processes, exchanging information, generating other products from XML, and the digital preservation of the content of the journals (in repositories or databases). It guarantees compatibility with any publishing system using the JATS standard and can be used as a backup file, because it contains only pure text without style, which can be viewed with the support of an independently generated style sheet.

Journal articles are distributed in XML-JATS format as an alternative format on the journal's website for free download and use under the specified license. In addition, they are included since 2016 in REDALYC, which uses the format for content dissemination.

Interoperability protocols

Gestión y Análisis de Políticas Públicas incorporates interoperability protocols that allow it to be collected by other distribution systems. Thus, it includes Dublin Core meta-tags, both on the homepage of the magazine and in the articles.


Open Archives Initiative - Protocol for Metadata Harvesting is a protocol used for the transmission of metadata on the Internet.

OAI-PMH was created with the aim of developing standards to facilitate the interoperability of content on the Internet allowing metadata to be collected in a much simpler and more efficient way.

The interoperability protocol can be found at: OAI-PMH GAPP.