Proposal of Improving the Evaluation Instruments of the Diversity and Citizenship Policy Service of the Barcelona Provincial Council
Assessment instruments, monitoring and evaluation of public policies, Local Administration, Barcelona Provincial CouncilAbstract
This paper describes the process of improving the evaluation instruments of the Diversity and Citizenship Policy Service of the Barcelona Provincial Council, process that was held as part of the institution adaptation to the new demands of local governments. Thus, we analyze the evaluation instruments of the Service detecting a number of shortcomings. In particular, we observe the need to adapt the system of indicators to new budgetary reality; the need to define the indicators to allow the study of the temporal trend of the activities carried out; the need to improve the information given that the information collected so far did not reflect properly the reality of the Service, and the variables used given that they did not have a precise definition of their composing elements. To overcome these shortcomings we present a proposal of performance indicators appropriate to the Service management with particular reference to the design, definition and internal management of those indicators.Downloads
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