In search of a framework to assess the intangible value of public management. Analysis of real cases of public value assessment
Public Administration communication, intangible asset, communication evaluation, public value, communication impactAbstract
What does public sector management provide to society and how can it be measured? This article aims at identifying what a public leader should take into account in order to plan an ad hoc assessment of the intangible public value of public management. Methodology combines theory analysis with empirical observations. Conceptual relations are explored in the literature of assessment and evaluation in public relations and corporate communication, public sector intangible assets, and the stream of studies titled Public Value, in order to elaborate the criteria to analyze practical cases of public value creation in public administrations. The analysis reveals that assessing public management with the approach of intangible public value implies looking at both organizational behavior as well as at the society’s feedback; it also enables calibrating the gap that there might exist between real government performance and what people perceive of that performance, as well as exploring causes for this gap. Finally, and subsequently, the article elucidates the levels, areas, and foci that a public leader should take into account in assessing public management.Downloads
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