The development of technical competences models and their application for the detection of training needs
Technical competencies, competency models, training needs, human resources, functional analysisAbstract
Identification of technical Competencies required in different functional areas, by professional levels, allows selection and training processes to be addressed in a more effective and efficient way, contributing to the added value of the actions developed by the National Institute of Public Administration (INAP) and achieving the General State Administration (AGE) objectives. The objective of this paper are to propose a methodology to identify and define the technical competencies needed for a correct work performance, as well as to contrast its usefulness in detecting training needs for AGE workers. The methodology uses both focus groups for the making of profiles in the area of people management and questionnaires to detect learning needs. Application process of the functional analysis carried out and the results obtained are described. Specifically, the model of technical competencies in the area of people management for managerial, technical and support roles, and the training needs study results carried out in the area. Implications of the process are discussed, and improvement suggestions for the detection of training needs and training planning within the AGE are formulated.
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