Indicators of inequality and e-Government: systematic review and state-of-the-art
inequality indicators, e-Government, review, use, intention to use and adoptionAbstract
Inequality is a problem that requires urgent responses. In the quest for solutions, researchers employ various indicators of inequality and different dimensions of e-Government (EG). Objective. Review empirical research that analyzed the contribution of income, socio-economic level (SES) and social status (SS) on the use, intention to use and adoption of EG. Method. We conducted a narrative review, selecting publications from 2015 to 2020. We described the inequality indicators and their measurement, the dependent variables used and the results obtained. Results/Conclusions. Income was measured in 70 % of the studies as an ordinal variable; we observed a predominance of the economic dimension as an indicator of inequality. SES was reported in 30 % of the studies using different measurement forms, and in no studies was SS measured. Dependent variables use, intention to use and adoption were employed as synonyms, ignoring post-adoption and appropriation of EG. The results found in the papers reviewed were inconsistent; inequality indicators were sometimes statistically significant, sometimes not. A possible explanation is the methodological difficulty in approaching the complexity of inequality, often measured unidimensional and quantitatively. A challenge is to combine theoretical and methodological approaches that consider inequality multidimensional and culturally anchored.
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