Description and analysis of the science for policy ecosystem in Spain during COVID-19
Delliberative democracy, Science for policy, Science advice, Evidence-informed policymaking, Boundary organisations, COVID-19Abstract
Spain was among the worst hit countries during the first waves of the COVID-19. Globally, policymakers required science advice to guide their decisions and inform the general public. This science advice for policy and decision-making and relation with the whole society fits into the epistemic dimension or the use of public debate to achieve the best decision within the deliberative democratic systems. In its exercise, boundary organisations and the role of scientists as honest brokers both stand out. This case study is the first qualitative evaluation of the main political and scientific actors and organisations, which comprised the science-for-policy ecosystem in Spain during the pandemic, of their actions, and of the frictions that could have hampered the crisis management. From the policy side, science was present in official speeches and there was a proliferation of ad hoc advisory committees, but there was media confusion about their independence and transparency, likely due to communication issues and political polarisation. From the scientific side, there was a cacophony of experts in the public sphere and competence for policy attention, with controversies about the policy decisions taken. This study concludes with recommendations for institutional improvement and democratic deliberation.
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