Salary equity in Spanish public administrations. A comparative study
public senior management, civil service senior officials, compensation, internal and external equity, administrative careerAbstract
This article analyses the salary competitiveness in the Spanish Administration of the senior officials assigned to the general administration areas of the central services of the State, five autonomous communities and five local governments.
The compensation concepts that are handled, supplements for posts and specific, were obtained from the corresponding list of jobs. The statistics used in the salary diagnosis were the mode, median, mean, quartiles and the minimum and maximum salaries identified in each of the administrations studied.
The main results show that the mean and median obtained from the destination and specific supplements for each of the levels of the posts reveals the lower remuneration of the officials of the General State Administration (GSA).
Among the conclusions stand out: the implementation of the public senior management should attend to the principles of merit, capacity and concurrence; a higher level of responsibility and technical complexity should correspond to a sufficiently significant increase in remuneration; the study has shown the lack of competitiveness of the GSA to compensate its senior officials in relation to officials who perform similar functions in the Administrations analysed.
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