Usage of Global Governance Indicators in Comparative Policy Analysis




Actionable governance indicators, global indexes, governance indicators, policy capacity, second-generation indicators, Worldwide Governance Indicators


The purpose of this article is to share with new users of governance indicators for comparative policy analysis some strengths and pitfalls of the construction of these data, along with relevant features of their evolution over time, such as the addition of the so-called “second-generation indicators”, which are focused on specific aspects of governance, their effects on social welfare, along with transparency issues in the process by which these indicators are created and their replication. Among the challenges of the production and usage of global governance indicators, emphasis is made on those related to the operationalization of the abstract concept of governance. Furthermore, the article encourages the creative exploitation of the array of governance indicators available today when drafting essays and doing consultancy work and research in the field of comparative policy analysis.


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Author Biography

Cristina Ares Castro-Conde, Universidad de Santiago de Compostela (España)

She is Associate Professor of European Studies and Comparative Politics at the University of Santiago de Compostela. She holds a PhD in Political Science and Public Administration and a diploma in European Political and Administrative Studies from the College of Europe in Bruges. She has completed her training at other academic institutions such as the WZB Berlin Social Science Center, the Hertie School (Jacques Delors Centre) and the Center for the Study of Europe at Boston University. Her research activity is focused on diverse themes in the field of EU politics and policies, along with the programmatic supply of parties and its translation into policy outputs, among other agendas.


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20-02-2023 — Updated on 01-03-2023

How to Cite

Ares Castro-Conde, C. (2023). Usage of Global Governance Indicators in Comparative Policy Analysis. Gestión Y Análisis De Políticas Públicas, (31), 96–110.