Learning public policies: the role of the INAP
Training, learning, public policy, competencies, network, community, innovation, review, meta policy, strategyAbstract
This article is the result of an internal work of research, self-analysis, and self-assessment by the public manager of the National Institute of Public Administration (INAP) responsible both of the decision making and the implementation the training public policy, including learning public policies. This work is, moreover, done in one of the most important tools of the INAP: this very journal. Somehow this is the meta public policy stemming from the concept used in this article of the Learning Community in Spanish training of public servants. This article explores how to reduce the gap between a situation in which several somewhat scattered learning activities in the annual training programme and the cohesive and coherent with the brand-new Learning Strategy of INAP 2023-2024 can contribute to improve the development of public managers. Therefore, there is room to design a learning itinerary that will help improve the existing activities and consequently honing their competencies to becoming change and innovation agents.
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