Social Investment Policies in the Autonomy State. Training and defamiliarization in the configuration of variations between Autonomous Communities




social policy, autonomous communities, training, active labor market policies, childcare policies, long term care policies


This research compares the degree of penetration of social investment through the Autonomous State. Given that unequal implementation is observed among countries, it is worth asking if there are also significant variations at the autonomous level in the Spanish Welfare State, which is heavily influenced by decentralization. Thus, the objectives are to understand how social investment policies vary among the Autonomous Communities, as well as to establish a typology to characterize them. For this purpose, a composite index was constructed, in addition to the application of cluster analysis and principal component analysis techniques. The analyzed data correspond to administrative records of the educational and vocational training system, the employment system and the long-term care system. The results show four different typologies of Autonomous Communities, depending on the performance of training and skill development policies, and, to a lesser extent, defamiliarization policies. The main differences occur in policies where socioeconomic factors, beyond institutional ones, are more relevant.


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Author Biography

Juan Vicente Bachiller Cabria, Universidade Federal Fluminense (Brasil – Brazil)

Juan Vicente Bachiller es doctor en Ciencia Política por la Universidad de Salamanca. Ha sido investigador posdoctoral en el Instituto de Estudos Sociais e Políticos de la Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro y actualmente es profesor en el Grado de Políticas Públicas de la Universidade Federal Fluminense. Sus principales líneas de investigación son instituciones y políticas públicas.


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How to Cite

Bachiller Cabria, J. V. (2023). Social Investment Policies in the Autonomy State. Training and defamiliarization in the configuration of variations between Autonomous Communities. Gestión Y Análisis De Políticas Públicas, (33), 44–62.