Government or family support in Mexico during COVID-19: An exploratory study of recipients
Latin America, family, pandemic, social protection, welfare system, MexicoAbstract
Objectives: In this article, we analyze the sociodemographic and employment characteristics that increase the likelihood of receiving support from the government or a family member in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic in Mexico. Methodology: we use a multinomial logistic regression model, and the conditional probabilities of each outcome category are calculated using data from the Telephone Survey on COVID-19 and the Labor Market of June 2020. Results: The results show the statistical and positive relevance of the gender variable in both types of support. Whereas education (high school and higher) shows a negative relationship in the probability of receiving government support and is not a significant variable for family support. For the latter type of support, it is found that access to health services through work and having employment are significant and negative variables. Conclusions: Government support was scarce and hardly contributed to mitigating the effects of the pandemic; however, it was focused on vulnerable individuals. The social security and protection system requires profound changes to reverse the inequity, with special attention to gender.
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