Multilevel governance of the commons and environmental sustainability




commons, multilevel governance, environmental sustainability, water policy, climate policy


In this introductory article we address the concepts of “common goods” and “multilevel governance” from a theoretical perspective, while at the same time, the different contributions to this monographic issue of the journal Gestión y Análisis de Políticas Públicas are presented. A series of articles which, as will be seen, deal with particular cases in which, against the common backdrop of environmental sustainability, sectoral policies are deployed on the basis of relational governance patterns and focused on the specific issues of water and the fight against climate change. As can be seen in the development of the text itself, the management of uncertainty and complexity emerges as a recurrent and crucial theme, justifying different institutional mechanisms to achieve consensus, where possible, involving a variable number of actors and territorial levels.


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Author Biographies

Mercedes Alda-Fernández, Rey Juan Carlos University. Departament of Public Law and Political Science (España – Spain)

PhD in Political Science and Public Administration. Associate Professor of Political Science and Public Administration at the Rey Juan Carlos University since 1998. Her main lines of research, projects and publications are mainly related to Parliaments and Governments, intergovernmental relations, public policies, environmental, climate and energy policies.

Alberto De la Peña Varona, University of the Basque Country. Department of Political Science and Administration (España – Spain)

PhD in Political Science and Associate Professor in the Department of Political Science and Administration at the University of the Basque Country (UPV-EHU), he has a six-year research period and four five-year teaching periods. His lines of research are mainly focused on environmental and land use planning policies, from the perspective of multilevel governance and public policy analysis.


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How to Cite

Alda-Fernández, M., & De la Peña Varona, A. (2024). Multilevel governance of the commons and environmental sustainability. Gestión Y Análisis De Políticas Públicas, (34), 7–14.