Gobernanza multinivel y retos de coordinación de la gestión de las crisis. Entrevista a Mariely López-Santana





multilevel governance, fiscal federalism, Welfare State, United States, Europe, Puerto Rico


In this interview we talk to Professor Mariely López-Santana about several of the issues that underpin the theoretical and practical approach of the journal Gestión y Análisis de Políticas Públicas (GAPP), such as the territorial organisation of States and the multilevel governance and management of economic, political and social crises. Specifically, in the following pages we explore and try to shed some light on how different levels of government can cope with the risks arising from these crises, as well as the relevance of coordination and cooperation between levels of government for institutional success or failure.


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How to Cite

Cruz-Martínez, G., & Hernández-Moreno, J. (2024). Gobernanza multinivel y retos de coordinación de la gestión de las crisis. Entrevista a Mariely López-Santana. Gestión Y Análisis De Políticas Públicas, (36), 126–132. https://doi.org/10.24965/gapp.11396