Public policy networking approach of the access to adult penal justice in Latin-America


  • Leopoldo Díaz-Moure



Access to justice, criminal justice, judicial reform, policy networks


The objective of this paper is a theoretical and methodological proposal on how to approach of the study access to adult criminal justice from a Political Science perspective: Policy Networks Analysis understood as governance. This approach applied to study access to criminal justice involves two different analysis. On one hand, to describe those social, economic, cultural and material variables, which determine that citizens have different opportunities to use judicial institutions and alternative dispute resolution mechanisms and claims. On the other hand, it is necessary to describe and explain the criminal process, where different actors with different resources interrelate in accordance with different spaces, times and principles, which determine who has influence, how the decisions are made and how they render.


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Experiencias y Casos.



How to Cite

Díaz-Moure, L. (2004). Public policy networking approach of the access to adult penal justice in Latin-America. Gestión Y Análisis De Políticas Públicas, (28-29), 69–83.