Open Method of Coordination in the EU. An institutional way to evaluate?


  • Vicente Pérez Menayo



Institutional evaluation, European policy, new governance, inter-governmental co-operation


The purpose of this work is based both on a theoretical interest and on an empiric contribution to the implementation of a new form of European governance: the Open Method of Coordination (from now on, OMC). It is about trying to get a better understanding of the role of the Community institutions and those of the Member States in the process of European building, showing the eventual ruling effects of the «strictly political» means of action. It is from the point of view of implementing the political action where the OMC may be included as a tool that allows exerting public action at the level of the EU and turning it operational. The OMC belongs to the new generation of non-compulsory mechanisms for good governance, the so called soft law governance, that are having a bearing on the «Europeanization» phenomenon as a process, as compared to the traditional European governance tools, such as the «Community method», which arranges the adoption of decisions within the «institutional triangle» made up by the Commission, the Council of Ministers and the European Parliament. That is, the OMC would be the result of the «adaptation Absracts 178 GAPP núms. 30/31: mayo - diciembre 2004 pressures» made by the Community government through specific institutionalization processes, launched and guided by the European Commission, on the «domestic structures» (the Member States), and through the process of framing political guidelines, to be inter-governmentally applied. Recently, and from a descriptive point of view, the author of this work has already dealt with the empiric aspects of applying the OMC to the social field. On this occasion it is about completing the study of the OMC from a doctrinal point of view, in the light of the new approaches that try to explain the complex process of European integration, from a cognitive perspective among others, i.e. through instruments to share knowledge, through mutual learning and through the exchange of experiences. Likewise, it is about answering the question of whether the OMC represents a new model for institutional assessment in the EU.


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How to Cite

Pérez Menayo, V. (2004). Open Method of Coordination in the EU. An institutional way to evaluate?. Gestión Y Análisis De Políticas Públicas, (30-31), 71–98.