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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has neither been previously published nor sent to another review (or, otherwise, an explanation has been provided on the matter in the chapter on “Comments to the publisher”).
  • The following information has been provided at the beginning of the article, following this order and in accordance with the guidelines for the authors:
    • Title. In Spanish and English.

    For each author:

    • Name of the author(s).

    • Institutional affiliation.

    • ORCID (if the authors have it).

    • E-mail address.

    • A brief biographical note.

    For each article:

    • Abstract. In Spanish and English.

    • Keywords. In Spanish and English.

    • Summary.

  • Bibliographic references have been prepared in accordance with APA Style Manual version 7 and include their corresponding DOI number (where available) or alternative URL.
  • The content of the article has been anonymised (except for the initial header data, AUTHOR, AFFILIATION, ORCID, EMAIL, BIOGRAPHICAL NOTE). To this end, all quotations, acknowledgements, references and other allusions that could directly or indirectly allow the identification of the author of the submission will be removed (under the label *anonymised*).
  • Check that the article follows the style guide for journals of the National Institute of Public Administration.:
  • Check that the signature has been standardised as described in the Normalización de la firma section of the Style Guide for journals of the National Institute of Public Administration:

Author Guidelines

The journal Gestión y Análisis de Políticas Públicas publishes, in Spanish or English, the following types of contributions:

  • Theoretical or empirical articles. Theoretical articles are original studies on ideas, concepts, authors or overarching matters of theoretical discussion on public affairs. Likewise, they may consist of a review of the current state of the art on a given subject, linked to a future research programme on the matter. Empirical articles are original studies that provide scientific evidence on the subject they analyse.
  • Experiences and cases: this kind of studies cover specific practices or public policies that stand out on the basis of their singularity, their novelty, their exceptionality or their representativeness in relation to the majority of known cases.
  • Research notes: these will be texts reporting the results of novel research projects or studies still in progress. They will usually focus on methodological aspects, findings related to new contributions to the discipline or contemporary debates within the journal's thematic area. Such articles combine analytical rigour with clear writing aimed at an audience of academics and practitioners. Like scientific articles, research notes follow the "double-blind" peer review process.
  • Book reviews: these are short texts that critically engage with a recently published book or monograph on the research areas of public policy, public administration or public management.
  • Interviews: these will be interesting and topical conversations with academics and experts. The interviews must be in line with the journal's scope, which aims to promote scientific analysis on public management and Administration, governance and State reform, and to disseminate best practices in Public Administration in Spain, Europe and Latin America.

Preparation for submission

  • The submission shall always take place through the application.
  • The text must be accompanied by a “joint text” in which the author shall: 1. briefly explain which is the scientific o professional contribution of the text; 2. reiterates the commitment on the originality of the text; and 3. states that the text has not been submitted to any other journal..
  • Two versions of the text will be sent: a full version and an anonymised version. Even though the application requires some personal data on the submission’s author (such as their name, their institutional filiation, ORCID number (if available), email address, and a biographical note of no more than 60 words), it is crucial that the rest of the text be completely anonymised, so as to ensure the double blind review.

Features of the manuscripts

  • To ensure that the second version is properly anonymised, the author shall remove (by covering them by the wording *anonymised*) any quote, expression of gratitude, reference or any other allusion that may allow a direct or indirect identification of the submission’s author(s) (except for the initial header data, AUTHOR, AFFILIATION, ORCID, EMAIL, BIOGRAPHICAL NOTE).
  • The studies shall be submitted in Microsoft Word format (.doc or .docx) through the journal’s website. No other channel of submission shall be accepted, and neither will any type of correspondence be kept concerning manuscripts submitted through other means or in different formats.
  • All articles shall include:
    • Title, in English and Spanish. It should describe the content of the article in a specific, clear and concise way and, at the same time, allow the precise indexing of the content.
    • An abstract of no more than 200 words in each version (Spanish and English). It should be structured and set out clearly and concisely, using bold headings, the objectives, methodology, results and conclusions of the work.
    • Keywords: a maximum of 5 keywords in both Spanish and English (which shall be internationally accepted key terms in the disciplines of the social sciences, or frequent expressions in bibliometric classifications).
    • Bibliographical references, including their relevant DOI numbers (if existent).
    • When the articles are the result of research that has received public or private funding, especially in competitive processes, i.e.: European, national, regional research projects; contracts; institutional subsidies, grants, etc., the source of funding must be specified, preferably as a footnote on the first page or in the Acknowledgements section.
  • Articles shall have a maximum length of 10,000 words, including the title, the abstracts, the keywords, footnotes, graphs, charts and bibliography.
  • Articles shall follow the IMRD (introduction, methodology, results and discussion) structure, followed by the relevant bibliographical references.
  • Research notes should be between 5,000 and 7,000 words in length, including notes and bibliographical references.
  • Book reviews shall have a maximum length of 2,000 words, and will specify at their beginning the following information on the reviewed volume: author(s), title, city of publication, publisher, year of publication and number of pages. Likewise, the review’s author’s name, institutional affiliation and email address shall also be provided.
  • Each interview must include:
    • Title, in Spanish and English.
    • Abstract of no more than 200 words in Spanish and English.
    • Keywords: a maximum of five in Spanish and their translation into English (they must be internationally accepted terms in the scientific-social disciplines and/or common expressions of bibliometric classification).
    • Introduction with a brief summary of the interviewee's professional profile and experience, the objectives of the interview, as well as a brief closing section or conclusion of the conversation.
    • The interviewer can make comments, include his/her opinion, views, or an analysis of the interview data.
    • They should contain an appendix with the interviewee's permission to publish their comments and opinions.
  • Interviews will have a maximum length of 8000 words once transcribed and structured according to the journal's criteria.
  • Non-textual elements (such as charts, tables, maps, graphs, drawings, etc.) that the article may content shall appear inserted in the relevant part of the text. In addition, the editable graphs shall also be rendered in a separate version in Microsoft Excel (xls) or OpenOffice Calc (ods) format; the maps, drawings or images shall also be separately rendered in jpeg or tif formats (300 ppp). All of them shall be numbered and titled, their origin shall be specified through footnotes, and they will be explicitly referred to in the body of the text.
  • The format of the text shall observe the following rules:
    • It shall have a 12 point size for the text and a 3cm one for the margins of the document.
    • The text shall not incorporate indentation, unless it corresponds to quotes or list paragraphs.
    • Footnotes shall be placed at the end of each page following their numeration, and not at the end of the text. It is suggested to use them as limitedly as possible and for their use to be linked to explanation, and never to bibliographical quoting.
    • Pages shall be numbered below in the lower part of the page starting at the page of the abstract, which shall be page 1.
    • The sections or subsections of the text shall be numerated (in ordinary numerals and separated by full stops) and shall be titled in minuscule and bold letters. The headings on Introduction, Conclusions and References shall preferably be non-numbered. The hierarchy of the heading of each section shall follow the following format:


In-text citations and references

VERY IMPORTANT. In order to improve the indexing of the journal and that of all the authors cited in it, in-text citations and references must be prepared in accordance with the format established by the APA in its version 7, as defined in its Style and grammar guidelines.

It is VERY IMPORTANT to include the DOI identifier of those references that have it. At the following address you will find a utility for searching for DOIs: Failure to include DOI identifiers in references may be grounds for rejection.


This information comes from the Common Reference Examples Guide, 7th edition, a comprehensive list of examples of the most common types of references in APA Style 7. We include here examples for journal articles, books and book chapters, the most common in scholarly communication. Extensive information on references and reference examples can be found in chapters 9 and 10 of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, Seventh Edition (2020), in the Concise Guide to APA Style (7th ed.) and in the Reference Examples pages on the APA Style website.

For guidance, you can also download the Guía rápida de APA. 7.ª, produced by the Biblioteca de la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, which contains a quick reference for in-text citations and references adapted to Spanish.

The examples appear in English, as defined by the APA manual, and in a Spanish-adapted version:

Journal Article / Artículo de revista

Edwards, A. A., Steacy, L. M., Siegelman, N., Rigobon, V. M., Kearns, D. M., Rueckl, J. G., & Compton, D. L. (2022). Unpacking the unique relationship between set for variability and word reading development: Examining word- and child-level predictors of performance. Journal of Educational Psychology, 114(6), 1242–1256.

Edwards, A. A., Steacy, L. M., Siegelman, N., Rigobon, V. M., Kearns, D. M., Rueckl, J. G. y Compton, D. L. (2022). Unpacking the unique relationship between set for variability and word reading development: Examining word- and child-level predictors of performance. Journal of Educational Psychology, 114(6), 1242-1256.

Authored Book / Libro

Kaufman, K. A., Glass, C. R., & Pineau, T. R. (2018). Mindful sport performance enhancement: Mental training for athletes and coaches. American Psychological Association.

Kaufman, K. A., Glass, C. R. y Pineau, T. R. (2018). Mindful sport performance enhancement: Mental training for athletes and coaches. American Psychological Association.

Edited Book Chapter / Capítulo de libro

Zeleke, W. A., Hughes, T. L., & Drozda, N. (2020). Home–school collaboration to promote mind–body health. In C. Maykel & M. A. Bray (Eds.), Promoting mind–body health in schools: Interventions for mental health professionals (pp. 11–26). American Psychological Association.

Zeleke, W. A., Hughes, T. L. y Drozda, N. (2020). Home–school collaboration to promote mind–body health. En C. Maykel y M. A. Bray (eds.), Promoting mind–body health in schools: Interventions for mental health professionals (pp. 11-26). American Psychological Association.

Peer review process

The journal guarantees that the maximum review time for an article is two months.

1. Authors must consult the guidelines for submissions before sending a publication proposal. The submission will be accompanied by a brief note highlighting the contribution that the text has made to the discipline and guaranteeing the originality of the article, as well as the fact that it is not under review in another journal.

2. If the text in case meets all the formal requirements, the author will be informed and the evaluation process will begin.

3. Articles received are subject to an initial review by the Gestión y Análisis de Políticas Públicas Editorial Board, which will assess the quality and thematic adequacy of the work and may be directly rejected without undergoing an external review. For this first review, the Editorial Board may require the assistance of members of the Advisory Board, if deemed necessary.

4. If the article overcomes this first filter, a "double blind" review process begins, in which neither the authors nor the reviewers know the identity of the other party. Articles will be sent to two external reviewers, specialists in the field or line of research, together with the article review form. In the case that the evaluations differ, or for any other reason, the Editorial Board may send the text to a third reviewer

5. In view of the reports of the reviewers, the Editorial Board may adopt one of the following decisions that will be communicated to the author(s):

  • Publishable as it is (or with minor revisions).
  • Publishable after revision. In this case, publication will depend on the realization by the author(s) of all the changes required by the editors. The deadline for making these changes will be two months. The author must attach a brief report explaining the changes introduced and how they comply with the requirements of the Editorial Board. Among the proposed changes may be the adaptation of the article to another section.
  • Not publishable, but with the possibility of rewriting and resending the article. In this case, the resubmission of a new version will not imply any guarantee of publication; rather, the evaluation process will start again from the beginning.
  • Not publishable.

6. Gestión y Análisis de Políticas Públicas will publish annually the list of all the people who have conducted anonymous evaluations. 

7. If it is led to discover any of them, Gestión y Análisis de Políticas Públicas may make public any of the following scientific malpractices: plagiarism, falsification or invention of data, individual appropriation of collective authorship and duplicate publication.


When a submitted article is accepted for publication, galley proofs will have to be revised by the author within a maximum period of three working days.

Proofreading will preferably take place on the very same document submitted to the author by the journal, i.e. making notes and comments on that very PDF. Alternatively, it will be possible to make corrections by means of hand-written correction marks, preferably in red colour, and then submitting a scanned PDF with sufficient resolution for clear reading. In this latter case, corrections shall be legible and shall clearly point the exact location of the correction within the document. The original version of the work shall not be used for correction and, if the author wishes to include additional content, this will be notified by means of a separate document that contains only the additional content and its purported location within the document. The document submitted to the author for proofreading may contain red-coloured text with indications for revision.

Commitment to publish

DA undertakes to publish the papers approved in the peer review process within a maximum of 4 months from the date of the original submission.

Publication ethics

Approved by the Instituto Nacional de Administración Pública Publications Commission in January 2023.

Revised: July 2024.


All parties involved in the publication of scholarly journal articles: authors, journal editors, and reviewers should contemplate the expected standards of ethical behavior.

This statement is based on the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) Good Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors. COPE provides resources for journal editors, reviewers, and authors on professional publishing standards at In addition to COPE, other organizations collaborate to identify best practices for scholarly publishing, such as the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), the Open Access Scholarly Publishers Association (OASPA), and the World Association of Medical Editors (WAME).

The Instituto Nacional de Administración Pública is committed to high standards of critical scholarly review and professional publishing judgment. The journals published by Instituto Nacional de Administración Pública are under the editorial direction of independent editors. It is the editors of the journals who make all decisions regarding the content published in each issue; they ensure the accuracy, integrity, and originality of each published article. Instituto Nacional de Administración Pública supports editors in their efforts to manage their journals in an ethical and transparent manner, while adhering to established editorial principles and practices in their disciplines.

Additional information on the author guidelines for each journal can be accessed by going to the "Author Guidelines" section from the top menu of each journal.


The editors of each journal are responsible for selecting which articles will be accepted for publication. Each journal editor, with the assistance from their editorial board, create the policies and guidelines for their journal while abiding by legal requirements regarding plagiarism, libel, and copyright infringement. The editors may request assistance from other journal editors or reviewers when making their decisions.

The editors evaluate the content of each manuscript to determine whether it is appropriate for the journal. They also evaluate its intellectual content without regard to the author's sex, race, ethnicity, religious beliefs, or political philosophy.

During the evaluation and revision of the article, the editor will respect the integrity of the original work, refraining from making interventions to the text with unpublished material without the express consent of the author of the original manuscript.


Each journal has a Peer Review Process that assists the editor in making editorial decisions about the quality and suitability of a manuscript for publication. The journal editor can provide manuscript authors with feedback from each reviewer, which can help authors improve their manuscript.

Reviewers will consider the following criteria for acceptance or rejection of manuscript evaluation work:

  • Be knowledgeable and experienced. They will only perform their function if they are considered competent in the subject they are proposed to evaluate.
  • They will have time availability. Committing to respect the time limits and to follow the guidelines of the journal in their work. In case of acceptance, it is essential to meet the deadlines established for the completion of the review. In case of rejection, the journal's secretariat must be notified as soon as possible.
  • They will assume a commitment of confidentiality so that they will not be able, during the whole process, to disclose the content of the article to a third party. Consultations with another expert may not entail any risk of breaching the confidentiality of the manuscript and must be previously consulted with the editor. The only authorized interlocutors for any question related to the evaluation process are the director and editors of the journal.

Reviewers who do not feel qualified to review a manuscript, or who believe that they will not be able to provide a prompt response, should notify the editor as soon as possible. The reviewer must be an impartial party with respect to the author(s) of the manuscript.

The journal uses the peer review system ("double-blind"), so that neither authors nor reviewers know the identity of the other party.

In the event that the author is identified, reviewers must declare any conflict of interest and decline the editor's invitation to evaluate a manuscript. A conflict of interest may occur as a result of:

  • Animosity toward authors.
  • Academic or family closeness: Belonging to the same university, department, research group, professional network, research project, etc. Having published articles with the author.
  • Any other type of connection or conflict, including professional proximity.

It is important that reviewers inform the editor if they suspect or become aware of a conflict of interest for any of the above or any other reasons.

All submissions received for review should be treated as confidential documents. They should not be shared or discussed with others, except as permitted by the journal editor, who may require analogous commitment to confidentiality by the person with whom the manuscript is shared or discussed.

Manuscript reviews should be conducted objectively and without personal criticism of the author. Each reviewer should express his or her views clearly and provide supporting arguments.

Reviewers should identify relevant published work that has not been cited by the authors. Reviewers should also bring to the editor's attention if they recognize a significant resemblance between the manuscript under review and any other published work.

The academic peer review process applies only to original research articles. All other scholarly content, such as book reviews, editorials or others, are not subject to the peer review process.

Additional information on the Ethical Guidelines for Peer-Reviewers is available on the COPE website.


Authorship stated in the manuscript should be limited to those authors who have made a significant contribution to the concept, design, execution, or interpretation of the research or study. Each person who has made a significant contribution to the work should be listed as a co-author. If there are other persons who have participated significantly in the research project, they should be acknowledged or listed as collaborators. The corresponding author should review and confirm that the co-authors are included in the paper, and that all co-authors have seen, approved and accepted the final version of the paper.

All authors should disclose in their manuscript any financial or other conflicts of interest that may be understood to influence the results or interpretation of their manuscript. All sources of financial support for the research project should also be properly acknowledged.

Authors of articles reporting original research should provide an accurate description of the research/work performed and an objective discussion of its importance to the field. All supporting evidence and data should be accurately represented in the article. Each manuscript should also include references that allow others to reconstruct the argument. It is unacceptable to intentionally include inaccurate statements or fabricated data in the manuscript, which is considered unethical behavior.

Authors must ensure that their submitted work does not contain any content that could be considered as libelous or otherwise infringe on the copyrights of others. If authors have used the work and/or words of others, they must ensure that it is properly cited or quoted.

When requested by the editor, authors should provide evidence and raw data in relation to an article for editorial review and should be prepared to provide access to such evidence. They should also be prepared to retain such evidence and data for a reasonable time after publication.

Submitting the same manuscript to more than one journal simultaneously constitutes unethical publication behavior that is not accepted. The journal editor will make every effort to process and evaluate submissions in a timely manner. If an author decides to submit the manuscript to another journal, he/she should request the editor to remove his/her manuscript from the assessment/review process.

Authors should properly acknowledge the work of others and should cite all publications that have been influential in determining their scholarly understanding of the subject of their paper.

Authors must sign a Transfer of Rights Agreement  for their accepted manuscript to be published in the journal. Each journal has its own Transfer of Rights Agreement that will be provided to the author at the time of acceptance of their manuscript.


Research in social sciences and humanities often involves working with human participants and specific methodological tools (surveys, questionnaires, interviews, standardized tests, direct observation, ethnography, recordings, experiments with volunteers, and sometimes physical interventions). Therefore, the ethical implications of the chosen methodologies must be clarified.

The research must comply with:

  • Ethical principles.
  • Applicable international, community, and national legislation.

This implies ensuring respect for individuals and human dignity, the fair distribution of the benefits and burdens of research, and the protection of the values, rights, and interests of research participants.

Additionally, the following must be obtained:

  • The necessary ethical approvals (if required).
  • The free and fully informed consent of the research participants.

A risk assessment must also be provided, explicitly indicating what types of harm (psychological, social, legal, economic, environmental, etc.) might occur, the likelihood of subjects actually incurring such harm, and the steps that will be taken to minimize them.

Research involving more than minimal risk typically includes:

  • Potentially vulnerable groups and people unable to give informed consent.
  • Personal or sensitive topics, which might induce psychological stress, anxiety, or humiliation.
  • Deception.
  • Risks to researcher safety.
  • Seeking respondents through the internet/social media (e.g., using identifiable visual images or discussing sensitive issues).

Particular attention must be paid to vulnerable categories of individuals such as children, patients, people subject to discrimination, minorities, people unable to give consent, people of dissenting opinion, immigrant or minority communities, sex workers, etc.

If the research involves children or other individuals unable to make decisions for themselves, an active relationship with their legal guardians and/or carers must be maintained; you must not only seek their consent but also allow them to monitor the research.

Data must be kept securely, and publication (including internet publication) must not breach agreed confidentiality and anonymity.

In rare cases, it may be necessary to override agreements on confidentiality and anonymity (e.g., if maintaining confidentiality facilitates illegal behavior such as drug dealing, child abuse, etc. that has come to light during the course of the research). In such circumstances, disclosure to the appropriate authorities must be carefully considered. Participants or their guardians must also be informed of your intentions and the reasons for disclosure, unless this makes disclosure impracticable.

The technical aspects of collecting and storing research data should also be considered. Data collection using electronic encoding tools (digital recorders or cameras) should receive special attention.


When an author discovers a significant error or inaccuracy in his or her own published work, it is his or her responsibility to promptly notify the journal editor and to cooperate with the editor in retracting or correcting his or her paper.

If the journal editor believes that a significant error has been published that should be corrected, and in cases where there is reason for concern about such matters as plagiarism, fabrication of research, duplicate publication, or failure to disclose conflicts of interest, the editor will review and decide on its resolution in consultation with Instituto Nacional de Administración Pública.

Originality Check

Authors are responsible for guaranteeing that the information contained in their work is original and has not been copied, invented, distorted or manipulated, as well as the consensus in the case of shared authorship.  Plagiarism in any form is considered unethical and will be grounds for initial rejection or immediate withdrawal of those published texts in which it is detected.

Texts received may be subjected to a similarity check using the Turnitin application in order to guarantee their originality.

Rejection on the grounds of originality will be communicated to the authors together with the Turnitin report. There is no maximum percentage of similarity, the editors will decide on possible rejections in the light of the analysis of the report.

Only those papers that are finally published will be deposited in the Turnitin database to allow other editors to analyse the originality of their texts under evaluation. Submission of an article to the journal implies acceptance of the deposit when it is published.

Funding and publication charges (APCs)

Instituto Nacional de Administración Pública journals are funded exclusively by the budget of the Instituto Nacional de Administración Pública, which is part of the Ministerio de Hacienda y Función Pública of the Government of Spain.

Instituto Nacional de Administración Pública does not charge authors any fee for publishing or for processing articles.

Instituto Nacional de Administración Pública does not charge readers any fees for access to published content.

Reccomendations for authors in order to improve the dissemination of articles

We recommend:

  • Be extremely careful when drafting the titles of articles, abstracts, keywords and their respective versions in Spanish.
  • Always sign articles addressed to the journal in the same way.
  • Follow the guidelines for the elaboration of the reference list according to APA format.

On the other hand, global growth of scientific editorial production makes it ever more necessary to accomplish efficient dissemination efforts in order to secure the visibility of academic articles. This should benefit both the authors, by means of improving the research curriculum, and the standing of the journals in which their work is published.

Therefore, it is crucial to coordinate efforts in order to optimize the effect of dissemination tools, especially those linked to new technologies, such as scientific and ordinary social media, databases, author profiles, normalized identifiers, etc.

Even though the journal itself takes in charge the task of indexing its contents in several repositories, abstract-based and quote-based databases, and search engines, as well as the management of articles, authors and references, authors may also contribute to the dissemination of their texts by undertaking any of the following steps:

  • Including the article in public researcher profiles of the author, such as ORCID or ResearcherID. It is suggested to those authors that do not still hold an ORCID identifier to get one. In she or he holds one, the journal shall publish it together with the article, and shall provide a direct link to the information about his or her academic production, as well as a biographical note next to the article.
  • Not duplicating the DOI identifier. The journal assigns to each article a single persistent digital object identifier (DOI). In order to avoid any duplicities concerning the calculation of quotes, and thus undermining an appropriate count, authors should use the number provided by the journal, and avoid generating a new one.
  • Submitting the article to a repository of their institutions of affiliation and/or to a thematic repository linked to the subject matter of the article, such as SocArxiv or any similar ones. In the absence of any such institutional or thematic repository, the article may be deposited at Zenodo, the repository of the European Commission. This helps making the article much more accessible to many researchers.
  • Getting in touch with the relevant department of their university or research institution, in order for them to contribute to the dissemination of the accomplished research.
  • The journal announces its publications through its social media profiles in sites such as and Mendeley, referencing the authors when they hold a profile in such social media websites. Authors may also announce advertise the publication themselves through personal profiles in sites such as ResearchGate and LinkedId, including, when doing so, at least a reference to the abstract and the DOI identifier.
  • Distributing copies of the published study to the main quoted authors, inasmuch as, perhaps, the results of the research may be of interest to the their own on-going investigations; likewise, inserting the reference to the article in the email by means of which the publication has been announced, so as to make it possible to addressees to click on it.
  • Using ordinary social media with an academic purpose, in order to write posts that deal with the article at stake; selecting headings and linking the articles by means of the DOI; including images, drawings and videos; tagging the relevant people and using hashtags.
  • Referencing the article in the author’s eventual blog, explaining the attained results and their academic relevance. Addressing it to the general audience. Making it visually attractive by means of inserting images and video footage.

Privacy Statement

In accordance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (“General Data Protection Regulation”), personal data provided by users to the Instituto Nacional de Administración Pública shall be used for the exclusive purpose of keeping them at the database “Users of Instituto Nacional de Administración Pública’s journals’ platform”.

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The provided personal data shall solely be used for the purpose of keeping them indefinitely at the Instituto Nacional de Administración Pública’s journals’ platform. No cession or international transfer of this data to third countries is foreseen.

User’s rights:

Any user might assert their rights concerning access, rectification, elimination or portability of their data, as well as limitation or opposition to their treatment and withdrawal of their consent, by means of addressing the responsible of the treatment (submission of a general application to Instituto Nacional de Administración Pública), or through the red of offices of assistance in matters of registries (

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